Sunday, September 19, 2010

Class Thus Far.

Well... I don't know exactly where to start with this post. I have been extremely challenge by this class so far. Many of the points brought up in class have challenged me in many ways. I really enjoyed our conversations about the Scientific Method and how we should not teach it. At first, I was hesitant about whether or not to really believe that it shouldn't be taught. However, after discussions about it, I understand how it really isn't the best way to teach children about science. I've also learned a lot about what it actually means to do science and how it is all about trying things because we are interested learning about it. Both of those ideas, about the Scientific Method and the real meaning of Science, are two new ideas for me. They are both completely new ideas from what I learned when I was going through Elementary school.

One thing that has frustrated me in a good way (Professor Kruse already knows what I'm going to say...) is the idea of not being able to use God and science at the same time. My beliefs about it have not changed at all but I do enjoy being challenged in my thinking. It is, however, very frustrating at times because my belief about God is the most important thing to me. I look forward to being challenged throughout the sememster and I will continue to fight back. :)

1 comment:

  1. Try not to get too frustrated :) In the grand scheme of things, the separation of religion and science doesn't matter. I find that many conflicts stem from people unnecessarily dismissing either religion or science. My (and others') argument is just that we don't have to choose. I think it is sad when students think they have to choose between science and faith because unfortunately most choose science (it is easier to accept what we can see), but if those same students really understood how science and religion are not mutually exclusive, they would realize they don't have to choose.

    The way you have set your priorities are right on. Too many people put science on a pedestal. What our society really needs is more people thinking about ethics and morality, not inventing the next facebook :)
